Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Q2: Highest scoring word in a string of words

Question : Given a string of words, you need to find the highest scoring word.

Each letter of a word scores points according to it's position in the alphabet: a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 etc.

You need to return the highest scoring word as a string.

If two words score the same, return the word that appears earliest in the original string.

All letters will be lowercase and all inputs will be valid.


string = "Hi this is tish"
Ranks for each word will be like: [17, 56, 28, 56]
And highest rand words are this and tish. But "this" is the answer since it is first occurrence.


  1. Hi,
    Below is one of the possible way. feel free to add your answer for the same.

    string = "hi this is tish"

    sl = string.lower().split()
    print("splited string " + str(sl))
    rl = [sum([ord(i) - 96 for i in str]) for str in sl]
    print("rank of each word" + str(rl))

    output = sl[rl.index(max(rl))]
    print("Highest rank word :" + output)

  2. Solution 1:
    def high(x):
    import string
    high_score_word = ''
    for word in x.split(' '):
    for i in word:
    if temp>count:
    return high_score_word

    print(high('hi hello')

    Solution 2:
    import string
    s=x.split(' ')
    scores = [sum([string.ascii_lowercase.index(i)+1 for i in word])for word in s]
    ind= scores.index(sorted(scores)[-1])
    return s[ind]

    print(high('hi hello')

  3. One liner ;p(Haha)
    inp = "Hi this is tish"

    print(inp.split()[max(enumerate([sum([{chr(i):j for i,j in zip(range(ord('a'), ord('z')),range(1,27))}[ch] for ch in s]) for s in inp.lower().split()]), key=lambda v: v[1])[0]])
